Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Top 14

14. Helena, MT

What would otherwise be there: the years of the American Civil War

13. Hartford, CT

What would otherwise be there: the name of Canada's current Prime Minister

12. Baton Rouge, LA

What would otherwise be there: your ATM pin code

11.Montpelier, VT

What would otherwise be there: where you left your keys

10. Olympia, WA

What would otherwise be there: where you left the sheet on which you
wrote where you left your keys

9. Carson City, NV

What would otherwise be there: where you left your car

8. Topeka, KS

What would otherwise be there: the name of that one song, the one that
goes "doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooo, doo doo doot! dooooooo...do-doooooo"

7. Jefferson City, MO

What would otherwise be there: how many days you have left to live

6. Harrisburg, PA

What would otherwise be there: your nephew's name

5. Frankfort, KY

What would otherwise be there: your wife's name

4. Trenton, NJ

What would otherwise be there: your name

3. Lansing, MI

What would otherwise be there: a bullet (because of that weird mugger
who threatened to kill you if you didn't know the capital of Michigan)

2. Annapolis, MD

What would otherwise be there: a knife (because the mugger kept asking
questions, and had a really strange system planned out)

1. Pierre, SD

What would otherwise be there: Bismarck, ND


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post on this blog.

Unknown said...

Montpelier, VT is a beautiful place. Plus VT is a cool state.

Anonymous said...

2. Annapolis, ME

What would otherwise be there: a knife (because the mugger kept asking questions, and had a really strange system planned out)

I believe that it is Annapolis MD?!?

Rob said...

good catch, thank you!